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正规英语邮件格式范文(通用8篇) 正式英语邮件格式


正规英语邮件格式范文 第1篇

Becbecbeccess Be sure to draw a detailed plan under the key words in the question. Write clearly and concisely before you start to write. Make sure that all the numbers and numbers you give are accurate.

Remember the target reader. Remember that the examiner is the second target reader. And you are writing this article to demonstrate the skills.

Keep in mind the purpose of writing. Remember what format to use in your letter Use headings and subtitles in reports and suggestions. Choose the right register or level of formality, including the author's name and position in the report or suggested answers.

Use good linkers to organize your writing, such as first, also, but, and, nevertheless, because these provide structured paragraphs, check again after you've written the article Check your homework. Don't try to prepare an answer before the exam. For example, for graphic questions, the mark is obvious.

Don't make up a reason for the change on the chart. It's unnecessary. Don't forget to allocate your time between the two questions.

Remember that one part is crossed out and the other part is not. You should put yourself on the test strip when you try to practice the test Below - this means answering both questions within a given time (including making a plan without using a dictionary, checking carefully in the last part, don't panic, if someone else starts writing immediately on the test, reading the question carefully, making a plan before you write your answer will produce better work. Don't mix formal and informal language.

Don't waste time writing a letter Addresses, because they are not required.


正规英语邮件格式范文 第2篇

1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you...

我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你 有关…

2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2.


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